Telescoping Box Gate

Telescoping Box Gate


Featured Gate April 2016

Design is not just important in residential gate projects. Commercial facilities are often built right in the middle of existing communities, which include neighborhoods, shopping centers and parks. The last thing an architect wants to do is create an eye sore with an unflattering-designed commercial facility. At Budd Inlet Treatment Plant (BITP), the architect applied thoughtful design to ensure it blended nicely with the new buildings and surrounding community. Like most commercial facilities, the exit and entry needed to be secured. That’s where Automated Gates and Equipment came in!

We worked closely with the architect to engineer two gates that were seamless in their design and operation. From an engineering stand point, the gates had to be built well enough to withstand the high wind and unpredictable weather at the Olympia waterfront. They also had to travel up an incline while still aligning with the architectural elements of the adjoining building (a difficult task, for sure!). From an aesthetic view, the gate design was to match the solid, aluminum panels on the building.

See the inner workings as their telescoping slide gate opens.

Watch as their second slide gate glides closed.

It was originally thought that the gate would be built by an out of state manufacturer that specialized in prison gates, and then we would install it. After much consideration, the manufacturer could not guarantee their gates would hold up to the high wind conditions. Our outlook was more optimistic. We felt that well-built gates would withstand the severe weather while meeting the architects artistic criteria.

Thus we engineered these awesome, telescoping box gates with custom-punched aluminum panels. They were designed to complement the building exterior as well as allow wind to pass through freely. Combined with the double slide track, the gates had the sturdiness required to prevail in high wind conditions.

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